Have you ever experienced a vacation or summer season where you spent too much time in the sun? If your answer is yes then most likely you experienced a sunburn or some type of skin damage. Can this previous sun damage be repaired? We have some good news – yes it is treatable! We are here to solve your skin damage concerns for good with one of our most popular lasers called LaseMD. Dream Med Spa & Laser Center in Plainfield, IL has the solutions to your skin problems.

What is LaseMD?
LaseMd is a collagen building laser. It will increase the elasticity of your skin. Imagine having tighter skin with less fine lines and wrinkles. You can say thank-you to the LaseMD! There is even more great news on the way. This collagen facial laser improves skin tone, quality, and texture. Additionally, it can remove both sun damage and melasma. Melasma is a type of skin condition that causes spots and patches that usually appear on your face. Typically these spots are darker than your skin tone. Say goodbye to those patches!
Will The Treatment Hurt?
Not only will you feel zero pain but your skin will appear years younger! Any redness that results from the laser will only last for one or two days, and can simply be covered up with your favorite makeup.
LaseMD offers more than just laser treatments for the face. If you would rather treat a different part of your body, get ready for this next perk! The LaseMD laser can be used on any part of your body! Sometimes people are more concerned about their wrinkly hands, elbows, and arms. Not anymore! Brace yourself for your future glowing face or any other body parts of your choice. You will be amazed with the results after your first treatment.
How It Works
So, how does the LaseMD laser actually work? Imagine tiny, controlled wounds on your skin that are there to boost the flexibility, strength, and health of your body. In other words, the laser creates micro-channels in the skin to stimulate your body’s own healing processes. This is what fractional non-ablative lasers are responsible for. The LaseMD is a type of fractional non-ablative laser. These lasers are safe and pain free! Be excited to know that your skin will appear more youthful and clear from the inside out. Also, there are both low and high energy settings that offer their own set of benefits.

Different Levels of Energy
The low energy treatment, called the LaseMD Glow, greatly improves the tone and texture of your skin and can be used to clear melasma. The high energy treatments, called the LaseMD Fine and LaseMD Restore, will not only remove sun damage but will reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles! You will be a shining star in no time and can return to daily activities without any indication of this cosmetic procedure. So, how many laser skin resurfacing treatments will you need and how long do the benefits last?
Number of Treatments
The amount of treatments you will need will depend on the type of skin issues you are dealing with. Typically, 4-6 lighter treatments can resolve most skin concerns. If you decide to use a higher setting during your session, you might only need 1 or 2 treatments. You’ll have a clearer idea the number of treatments you’ll need at your LaseMD consultation. Be confident that you will see improvement in your skin just after your first treatment! However, the benefits don’t stop there. The positive changes will continue for up to 6 months as the collagen levels increase.
Are you an ideal candidate for this type of cosmetic procedure? The LaseMD works for people with a variety of skin types and tones. Most people interested in the LaseMD treatment are eager to improve early aging symptoms, sun damage, melasma, or scarring. Conveniently, many of these concerns can be treated at once offering amazing results.
Unlock Radiant Skin with LaseMD
As you can see, the LaseMD offers a wide variety of benefits! It will build your collagen and increase the elasticity of your skin. This unique laser will improve your skin’s tone, quality, and texture while removing sun damage and melasma. Your skin will be luminous, vibrant and pain free in no time! You will be the hottest topic in the neighborhood with your smooth body and confidence! If you are interested in a LaseMD treatment, please call us anytime for a free consultation: 815-369-0039. Dream Med Spa & Laser Center (a med spa near Plainfield, Illinois) has the solutions to your skin concerns!